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Talk show

Autism Awareness Day

Autism Awareness Day is a globally recognized observance aimed at raising awareness about autism spectrum disorder (ASD), promoting acceptance and understanding, and fostering inclusivity for individuals with autism. Celebrated annually on April 2nd, this day serves as a platform to educate communities, advocate for policy changes, and support individuals and families affected by autism.

The primary objective of Autism Awareness Day is to challenge stereotypes, dispel myths, and increase understanding of autism among the general public. By highlighting the diverse experiences and abilities of individuals with autism, the day seeks to promote a more inclusive society where everyone is valued and respected.

The major mental health problems that have been identified in NMHS 2015-16 for the state of Chhattisgarh are tobacco use disorders (29.86%), alcohol use disorders (7.14%), depressive disorders (1.59%) and neurotic and stress related disorders (2.38%).

Severe mental disorder (Psychosis, Bipolar disorder, Depression with psychotic symptoms) was observed in <1% of the population, whereas prevalence of common mental disorder was at 11.20%. Prevalence of common mental disorder was high among male (17.85% in males Vs 5.03% in females) and was primarily due to inclusion of alcohol use. Further, males also reported a higher prevalence of severe mental disorder (0.81% in males Vs 0.72% in females).

Burden of mental disorder was relatively higher among urban residents. In common mental disorders, 13.08% in urban metro areas compared to 10.58% in rural areas. However, in severe mental disorders, burden was relatively higher among rural residents (0.79% in rural areas, compared to 0.77% in urban metro areas) and in those belonging to fourth income quintile (14.68%, compared to 8.63% in the lowest quintile). (source NMHS Report)

We The Alliance Change for Behaviour Change is organizing a talk-show to spread awareness on Autism on the occasion of world autism awareness day. 


     MDS 136, Phase 1, Kabirnagar, Raipur(Chhattisgarh)


Alliance for behaviour Change Chhattisgarh

  • +91 90984 98822
