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Talk Show on CHILD SAFETY ONLINE (Protecting children from online Abuse)

Talk Show on CHILD SAFETY ONLINE (Protecting children from online Abuse)

Join us for an informative event: CHILD SAFETY ONLINE. Together, let's create a safer online environment for our children. We are pleased to invite you to an enlightening session featuring esteemed speaker Vipin Thakur, a Member of the Juvenile Justice Board. The event aims to address the escalating risks that children face online and provide strategies for ensuring their online security. During this session, we will discuss crucial topics such as cyberbullying, grooming, exploitation, exposure to inappropriate content, and other forms of online abuse. Our goal is to empower parents, educators, and communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect children in the digital world. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to the cause of #SBCC (Social and Behavior Change Communication) and #OnlineAbusePrevention. Let's work together for a safer internet for kids.




Alliance for behaviour Change Chhattisgarh

  • +91 90984 98822
